Sunday, June 13, 2021

TB Joshua: Is this true or false?

 When it comes to deception, he was the master of it. I kid you not. 

When it comes to cunning craftiness, no one came close to him among the false prophets that have walked the soil of Africa. This is the reason why some who have been my friends in this space are going to be jolted by my writing of him. 

His deceptive activities escaped the eagle 🦅 eye of many well meaning Christians who claim to fight deception and manipulation in the church. 

When it comes to branding, or what is  called  "packaging" in colloquial parlance, he simply carried the cake 🍰. In spite of the fact that he was poorly lettered, his ability to evolve, to package and repackage himself to a sellable brand appears to be second to none on this divide of the Sahara.

Many of his followers and admirers will fight "tooth and nail" to prove he was a prophet sent by God. No surprises. By the kind of grip he had and still has on them, they are unable to think otherwise. They will, as a matter of fact, fight anyone who thinks their prophet was false. 

By the way, when it comes to the supernatural, TB Joshua was one man who operated in it. He didn't just start "yesterday". No! When he was operating from a shrine like a voodoo priest or an unmistakable native doctor back in the days, the supernatural attended to him. At the time, he did not pretend to be a Christian. He was just doing his own thing and attracted his own kind. For those who started following him less than 20 years ago, what you knew was a  well repackaged TB Joshua. At the time you knew him, he had been transformed and  repackaged to appeal to the larger Christian community. When he did, his acceptability soared significantly.

It is not as if we haven't seen  Voodoo priests who got transformed after an encounter with Christ Jesus before. Hoardes of them have come to know Christ. But when they do, they would clearly renounce the past and expose such works of darkness. No serious minded Christian will argue against this position. No one that I know could tell when TB Joshua had an encounter with Christ. Ask him when he met Christ and he would tell you it was from his mother's womb. This does not sound like someone who knew the first things about the Christian faith. 

All we saw was that he transformed and started running what  was called a church. Should anyone know or have any evidence of him renouncing darks arts openly, he should please send us a link to prove it. We shall be waiting for it. 

During his transition, he was one of those  few "prophets" who popularised what was popularly called Chrislam (a mixture of Christianity and Islam). This should not be surprising because he was a Muslim by birth. He  used Qur'anic citations copiously and Bible verses scantily and engaged in all sorts of native rituals to initiate spiritual phenomena.  Some of my readers might not have heard of "Chrislam" before. He practiced it openly. It was televised for a while back in the days when he was still learning the ropes. 

However,  this coincided with the period Penticostal movement was gaining traction and sweeping across the continent of Africa in the mid-late 90s. And as a smart man that he was, he knew the practice of Chrislam would not gain a wide acceptance.  He quickly changed from wearing Jalabiya to wearing three-piece suits and carrying Bible in the late 90s. 

Have you ever wondered why he had no obvious close interactions with the Penticostal papas and the "who-is-who" in the charismatic circle in Nigeria and Africa at large? It was largely because many of  them knew the history of how he evolved and they couldn't point to anytime that he renounced his dark arts. Do I blame them? No , I don't! Did anyone of them call him out? Very few did. Arguably, the most prominent among them was pastor Chris Okotie. Details of what transpired is outside the scope of this write-up. 

Paul wrote: 

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

2 Corinthians 11:14‭-‬15 KJV

Time and space would fail me to chronicle all the tactics that TB Joshua employed to gain prominence and become the darling of many churchgoers. However, I will attempt to enumerate a few. 

1. The supernatural: Most humans are gullible when they see supernatural happenings. They don't care where it comes from. Believers in Christ are also not spared. They lower their guards. They tend to think that all supernatural phenomena are from God. This is why many "babalawos" who are capable of a few magical acts  and who could see spiritual phenomena now wear jackets and carry Bibles. I can tell you for free that there are many sorcerers who currently operate churches today,  having crowds of worshippers following..... They even preach in the name of Jesus. 

In Acts 8 from verse 9, Simon the sorcerer was not actually known as a sorcerer until Philip showed up in Samaria with the gospel of Christ. He was popularly known as "the great power of God". He amazed the entire city with magic. He was a wonder to behold. Both small and great in the city of Samaria ate from his palms. The true gospel brings light and exposes darkness. The fact that this truth about TB Joshua was hidden to many, including christocentric believers, suggests to me that something is amiss with our gospel. 

2. The media: One of the ways TB Joshua warmed his way into the hearts of many Christians was through the generous use of the media.  Only a few men could compete with the synagogue when it comes to using the power of the media to shape or launder the image of TB Joshua. The propaganda was intentional and well calculated. He knew that people love to see dramatic manifestations. Hence, aggressively, he televised deliverance manifestations and healing sessions, some of which he had with celebrities (who are natural influencers and image makers) that he had intentionally invited over to come receive healings. 

Many cases of televised and celebrated healing at the synagogue eventually died quietly in their various homes and countries of abode. There were cancer and HIV/AIDS patients who abandoned treatment after  an acclaimed healing at the synagogue only to die few weeks later.  However, TB Joshua already televised their healings and "took the shine". Some of these things made it to the media but their voices were drowned in the larger-than-life image of the prophet. If you did not know this, then, you have not been paying attention. 

Furthermore, I am a medical practitioner and quite a number of my patients have had contact with  the synagogue. The manipulation and the deception were real. I know patients who were deceived that they were healed, asked to drop their medications and then, they relapsed. 

Should I also talk about his failed prophesies? I could count 5 among them straight up but I think it won't be necessary. I have come to terms with the fact that many who are firmly in the grip of false prophets often give excuses for their failed prophesies as against biblical injunction that asked us to call them out as false. 

3. Philanthropy:  I have seen TB Joshua made a show of charity in a manner that is unparalleled in religious circles. For the undiscerning, it would be enough to capture their hearts and excuse all his shenanigans. Many Christians have fallen flat for this. while charity works is laudable as far as the Christian faith is concerned, there's a "how"  to it. Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his days for making a show of charity works. But today, we celebrate them. 

“Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven.  Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.  But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,  that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.

Matthew 6:1‭-‬4 NKJV

In my view, there are clear red flags any believer in Christ can pick so as to not fall for falsehood carefully disguised as truth. There are basic things we should not have to keep reminding a believer in Christ. This is one of them.  Personally, I take good gestures done for the optics with a pinch of salt.  They are simply done for personal aggrandisement. I did not say so. Jesus said so. 

4. Modesty: when stacked up against the ostentatious lifestyle of the bigwigs in church circles, the modest demeanor of TB Joshua could hold you spell-bound. For a man who was an institution of some sort; who single-handedly attracted so much businesses and foreigners to the Ikotun-Egbe axis of Lagos state and turned it to a Mecca of some sort, seeing video clips of him relating with the poor and the disabled and carrying out menial works  around his church premises would naturally endear you too him. By so doing, TB Joshua won the admiration of many. However, what many forget is that all these things were done for the optics. Otherwise, cameras should not have been be there to start with. Jesus said:

“Be careful of false prophets. They come to you and look gentle like sheep. But they are really dangerous like wolves.

Matthew 7:15 ICB. 

These four things that I enumerated above are among the factors that have shielded TB Joshua from both public scrutiny and spiritual discernment by believers. By the way, you could hardly catch him teach what one can call a controversial or false doctrine because, practically, when it comes to doctrine, he taught nothing. He only played to the gallery, Saying a few good words here and there. You could not be a child of God who is truly hungry for God's word and sit under his ministration for long. 

Additionally, there are a number of scandalous things about TB Joshua but I will not go there. It is not my call. I stick with the basics or the fundamentals. You can wait for the next few weeks or months when people who had been afraid to talk about their personal experiences when he was alive  would show up with their tales. Never forget that some in the past  brought up their accusations but they were carpeted. The man TB Joshua was too powerful, influencial and connected in this country to not influence the justice system. He probably would have gone the way of the notorious Reverend King. 

Now, to those among us who think it is uncharitable to write about the dead, I do not share your sentiment one bit. I don't know where you got such an idea from. Check your Bible. The books of Chronicles and Kings simply chronicled the life and time of men and women, whether they did well and goofed. The book of judges did the same thing about the prophets and judges. Why have you not challenged the Bible writers for writing about the dead? I do not understand this philosophical nonsense of not talking about the dead. It is rooted in nothing but deception and patently hypocritical. Besides, we see some of you write teachings making references to Paul, Judas Iscariot, Philip, Stephen, Ahab etc from the Bible. How come you did not feel it's uncharitable to write about them? Are they not dead? Additionally, I do not believe in deodorising the dead. Death does not confer sainthood on anyone. If you were not a saint while alive, you would not be one when you are gone. Let's get over this business. 

There are also people who think they can blackmail us into an ungodly silence by saying "let the dead rest". I would not know the meaning of such a statement. How are we keeping your dead restless? I'm sometimes inclined to ask where people get all these things from. 

Furthermore, there are people who suddenly remember the word "compassion" when their favourite idol dies? Personally, I do not think they actually know the meaning of compassion. If they knew, they would be shouting at rooftops to deliver people who are trapped in satanic enclaves carefully disguised as house of God. They would be concerned for all the "Peters" that have been robbed to pay "Paul" in a  showmanship disguised as charity works. They would be concerned for people who have lost their personal freedom because they signed up to be disciples of a prophet somewhere. They would be concerned for families who have lost their children to a religious organisation that had an uncanny hold on their lives. They would be concerned for those families who have lost their wards to sicknesses due to deceptive and manipulative practices of their prophet who wanted to make a name for himself. 

And to those of you who would want to threaten me with death, your threats carry no weight. Zil! It's even borne of complete ignorance and lack of insight on your part. Everyone dies! Your prophet just died for crying out loud. It's a sign you were poorly taught by your prophet. You are in no position to threaten no one. Besides, have you heard of eternal life before? A man in Christ is not afraid of death. Selah!

Friends, I have taken time to document my unpopular position to raise an awareness that there are false prophets among us who are being celebrated as angels of light. This time, I am not talking about people who have testimonies of conversion but along the line got entangled in false teachings. Rather, I'm talking about those who never met with Christ, and who never changed their ways but changed their garments to appear like angels of light. I'm talking about those who use dark arts to hold worshippers spell-bound. I'm writing about those who learn Christian clichés and demeanor to appear like sheep while, inwardly, they are ravenous wolves. They are everywhere, all over the world and all over the continent of Africa. They are in Nigeria. They run an inner caucus reminiscent of a brutal master-servant relationship. While they win awards as deliverers all over the world, they are real time captors of many in their enclaves. 

May God deliver their captives. May the light of God shine bright in them so they can find true freedom that is in Christ Jesus. 


Before you get it twisted, I did not hate TB Joshua. It is my hope that he eventually met with Christ before he passed to the great beyond. So, kindly spare me your "judge not" mantra. I am a firm believer in the fact that there will be surprises in heaven. Afterall, the thief on the cross made a decision for Christ in his last few minutes of life.

However, I am not a friend of deception in any form. "Have nothing to do with the fruitless work of darkness; rather expose them" (Ephesians 5:11)

It is a new day! 

- Ninyo Omidiji

Thursday, June 25, 2020

We Seized N16bn Cash, 13 Luxury Cars, 47 Smartphones From Hushpuppi And Gangs —Dubai Police

The police in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, have seized Dh150m -- N16bn -- in cash and more than a dozen luxury cars from Nigerian Instagram celebrity, Raymond Abbas known as Hushpuppi.

 principal scam was to create websites that looked identical to well-known companies and banks, it was alleged.

Saturday, December 24, 2016



This was at the 2016 Headies Awards which held two nights ago at Eko Hotel & Suites in Victoria Island. Humblesmith ran into starboy Wizzy while walking the red carpet and bowed when they shook hands.
Click to see more photos

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Coming out soon!!!

Ace abuja producer illmagic teams up with controversial yoruba rapper coded guru And nut cased lico on #kilode.... Sick bars laced on  heavy instrumental with a catchy hook,. Produced by illmagic
Coming out soon

Contact blogger:
Twitter/Instagram: @pstamop

Sunday, August 7, 2016

AMALA mp3 by 081

081 is a Kaduna based act(currently in Lagos) who is ready to play a great role in the music scene. Here comes his hot banging tune titled “AMALA“. This come as his second jam in the game after his club banging tune tittled “MANYA“.
Enjoy his new single AMALA!!

MANYA mp3 by 081

081 is a Kaduna based act(currently in Lagos) who is ready to play a great role in the music scene. Here comes his hot club banging tune titled “MANYA“.
Enjoy his new single MANYA!!!

Friday, July 15, 2016


Everyday Loaded present Tancy 'OTIZ' Gangas on his ace tending Ice Prince tune, With this amazing jam titled “SEND NOBODY” which will prove how dope and versatile this dude is.
OTIZ is hoping to show everyone his versatility in this jam titled Send Nobody, which is just a symbol of hard work. Flowing deep and creating a pattern similar to Ice Prince. Enjoy!!

Call/Whatsapp: +2348064098436
Twitter/Instagram: @pstamop 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Out Soon: Send Nobody mp3 by Otiz

Hey  fam!  Otiz 's finally dropping the Highly  anticipated.  "send no body"  #showlove #support & #share,, #naijatakeover #Goodmusic...let's  connect...@tancyotiz (twitter/instagram) link will be out soon!

Call/Whatsaap: +2348064098436
Twitter/Instagram @pstamop

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Lico... The next big thing!!!

Hi people... Lico is about to drop #Intro for your listening pleasure.
This dope piece of vocal cunniness is a sneak peak of his mix tape album F.O.E (Friends or Enemies) scheduled to drop next month... #Anticipate.
He spits on the famous Lucious lyon of Empire's snitch bitch instrumental... believe me... Lico killed it better.
#Rebroadcast #TellSomebody  #TagAnyBody #TeamLico #Yeszzirrr #ArtbyBocgraphics
For more about Lico click here

For hype/promo:
Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: @pstamop

Friday, June 10, 2016

Burst My Brain by Emmy-j

Nesla Records brings forth another banging tune from their finest multi-talented act Emmy J, who has really showed a great deal of versitily right from his freestyl song which its visual was shot by A-list director Unlimited LA.
Click on the download link below and brighten up your day. 

For free upload and promo on Everyday Loaded:
Whatsapp: +2348064098436
Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: @pstamop


Chemiflow a is final year student of University of Abuja Nigeria, studying Geography. He started music at early age and he is still on the game.
Chemiflow is a good upcoming Nigerian rap artist and also an energic being.
Chemiflow has worked with P-stamop, Prince J, DJ Onisco and host of others.
The next Nigerian big thing is here with "Voice of the nation"". For sure V.O.N is another street anthem.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The impudence of Rabiu Kwakwanso and his Fulani brothers – Fani Kayode

I am saddened that the former Governor of Kano state, Senator Rabiu Kwakwanso, a man whom I have always considered a friend and one whom I have always respected could insult our revered Yoruba elders.
During a function in Ibadan, it was widely reported in the media that he asserted that the recent demand by the Yoruba elders that all Fulani herdsmen ought to be banned from the south west as a consequence of the hideous atrocities that they have been committing against our people is somehow inappropriate and misguided.
Instead of stopping there, he went further by attempting to give us an unsolicited lecture about his Fulani heritage and pedigree and about the benefits of having a good education: imagine that coming from one of them.
He concluded by telling the Yoruba elders to just ”shut up.”
Such impudence is rarely seen and this final insult may represent a defining moment in the history of the relationship between the Yoruba and the Fulani in our country.
Worse still, this comes barely a few weeks after Chief Olu Falae, a much-loved 77-year-old Yoruba elder, was abducted, incarcerated, stripped naked, beaten, cut with matchetes, maimed, frog-marched, humiliated and kidnapped by a group of Fulani herdsmen. Unlike many others, Chief Falae was lucky to escape with his life because both before and since his abduction many other victims of the Fulani cattle rearers did not. These aliens are herdsmen and cattle rearers by the day and terrorists, murderers, vagabonds and rapists by the night.
They have become a terror and an affliction to our people. That is what we have to live with in the south west and many other parts of southern Nigeria today.
The Yoruba are still hurting from the abductions, murders, raids and consistent violence being meted out to them by these creatures from hell yet no-one seems to care. Many Yoruba farmers are still living in trepidation of being attacked and butchered by the vagabonds and many have had to sit by helplessly as the heartless beasts raped and slaughtered their wives and daughters before their very eyes.
Continue reading please...

Don’t Step Into The Admin Block 1 Of LASU Or The Senate Building If You Don’t Want To Die

DON’T step into the Admin Block 1 of the Lagos State University (LASU) or the Senate Building if you don’t want to die!
That is the message that those who laced the place with charms sought to deliver with their frightening deed. Since then fear has pervaded the 32-year-old institution in the past six months.
The Admin Block 1, which houses the office of the Vice Chancellor, Prof John Obafunwa, other principal officers and registry staff has been deserted for over six months over alleged juju scare. This is the second time under his administration that juju was reportedly placed on the Admin Block and Senate Building.
On a good day, the Admin Block 1 was the busiest office on the campus and has the highest human traffic, mainly staff, students and visitors entering and coming out. It is a one storey building located near the Badagry Expressway gate of the university.
The Senate Building, which faces both the Admin Block 1 and 2, has also been abandoned in the past six months for the same reason forcing meetings of the Senate to be held at the Lagos State University College of Medicine (LASUCOM).
In the last six months, the Admin Block 1 and the Senate Building have been made to look like a ghost town because of desertion by the Vice Chancellor, Prof John Obafunwa, principal officers and other staff over fear of being harmed by fetishes left in the area.
Continue please...

Kayode Soyinka - 27 yrs after parcel bomb, I could have been killed like Dele Giwa

By Josephine Igbonovia
Three years into his education at the Baptist Boys High School in Abeokuta, his father was retired from the Nigerian Tobacco Company and couldn’t get another job because he had come of age since child-bearing didn’t happen quickly for him. This was unfortunately when he needed to see his six children through school! The second child, Kayode Soyinka, therefore decided to sacrifice his university education for his elder brother and siblings, and this soon landed him in the world of print journalism as a reporter with the defunct Daily Sketch in Ibadan at age 18 in 1976.
Despite the agony of watching his stories dumped in the news editor and sub editors’ waste baskets and never getting published for months, doggedness spurred him on as in two years, he transformed into a celebrity journalist. He was soon appointed the London Correspondent; a position he retained when he joined the defunct Concord Group at  22, working at the same time as its Bureau Chief.
Kayode also worked with the legendary editor Peter Enahoro and Dele Giwa until his mastery of the ropes culminated in the birth of Africa Today, a pan-African news magazine presently on international news stands in about 90 countries around the world. The author of ‘Diplomatic Baggage: Mossad and Nigeria  – The Dikko Story’, a book  used in many universities around the world, Kayode recounts his thirty-seven year romance with journalism just a day to his 30th wedding anniversary.
Frustrating beginning
He was covering the magistrate court in Ibadan while his senior colleague and tutor, Kayode Muritala, covered the High Court. Frustration, however, engulfed him each morning when he opened the papers for his stories- none was published and even when any eventually was, it came without his by-line while Muritala’s by-lines flooded the papers! This went on for months until 18-year-old Kayode could no longer swallow his anguish.
“One day, I left the newsroom and went into the sub-editors’ room next door to explain my pains. I said: “Sir, please I want to know why my stories are not being published. I spend a whole day in court, write my stories, but do not see them in the papers the next day!” The Chief Sub-Editor stood-up, tapped my shoulders very nicely, and said, ‘Kayode, the day you get the right story, you won’t have to come to this room to ask that it be published. Just continue to do your work’.”

Twitter user comes for Wizkid over an event in the north through Linda Ikeji

Well, they put my mouth in it so I have to share it See more tweets after the cut...

Cynthiamorgan insults Davido

Yep, she did! Last week Davido tweeted that Lil Kesh deserved to win Next Rated at Headies Awards and today, one of the nominees in the category, Cynthia Morgan fired back at him,

Did Peace Hyde said yes to Don Jazzy ???

Peace Hyde is the stunning TV personality who has that banging Toolz like body. And according to IDJA, she said yes! Some of his followers actually thought he proposed and she said yes!!!

My 30th birthday party was a surprise - Ciara

Ciara regards her 30th costume birthday party as 'The Best Surprise Birthday Ever' organised by her boyfriend, Russell. Her A List Pals - Kelly Rowland, LaLa Anthony, Beyonce, Angie Beyince and Serena Williams were at the surprise party.

Drug traffickers arrested and paraded in Kano, state, Nigeria

The Kano state police command have arrested drug traffickers who were apprehended while transporting banned substances such as Indian hemp, cocaine, in the state. Parading the arrested criminals before the press today, the state police spokesperson, ASP Magaji Musa, said one of the drug trafficking suspect identified as Deman Ugochukwu, from Delta State, was recently arrested with a 16 inch Tyre filled with Indian hemp.

Another drug trafficker identified as Chidozie Igegbuna from Anambra State, was arrested for the possession of a substance believed to be cocaine. A 4-man gang, Rabiu Mohd, Abba Mustafa, Yusuf Jada, and Aminu Ibrahim, were arrested for selling counterfeit drugs to women and youths in the state. They were arrested on October 21st.

Tribunal upholds delta state governor's election, dismisses APC's petition

The Delta state Election Petition Tribunal has upheld the April 11th election of the state governor, Ifeanyi Okowa and dismissed the petition of APC candidate during the election, Otega Emerhor. Earlier on, the tribunal had thrown out the petition of Labour party candidate, Great Ogboru and asked the Labour party to pay N50,000 each to the governor, PDP and INEC.

Photos: Fayose, Dogara in Jerusaluem for holy pilgrimage

Ekiti state governor, Ayo Fayose and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara are currently in Israel for this year's holy pilgrimage. They joined other faithfuls to pray for Nigeria.
Thank you but you can continue reading after the cut..

13-year-old rape victim kidnaps and beheads alleged attacker's son in India

A 13-year-old girl who claimed she was raped has been accused of taking 'revenge' on her alleged attacker - by decapitating his five-year-old son. The teenager claimed that she was assaulted in a village in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh earlier this month. Reports claim that she then kidnapped the young child of the alleged rapist while he was playing and beheaded him.

Police are said to have registered a case of murder against the teenager while the rape claim is also being investigated. According to the Times of India reporter Eram Agha, the girl said she was raped by a man called Rinku after he offered whitener - a print erasing substance that is sometimes misused as an intoxicant.
Continue please...

River state election tribunal nullifies election of state House of Assembly speaker, 20 PDP lawmakers

Few days after nullifying the election of the state governor, Nyesom Wike, the Rivers State Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Abuja today nullified the election of the state assembly speaker, Owaji Ibami (pictured above) and 20 PDP state lawmakers. With this new development, the state Assembly has been rendered ineffective due to the reduction in the number of lawmakers. 32 lawmakers make up the state Assembly. With the nullification of 21 lawmakers, only 12 of them appear to be eligible and this is too small for the house to run effectively.

My decision to resign has nothing to do with Oliseh- Emmanuel Emenike

Footballer Emmanuel Emenike who announced his retirement from the Super Eagles on October 19th, maintained that his decision to resign has nothing to do with Super Eagles coach, Oliseh
"I have absolutely nothing against the coach (Oliseh). As for me, I still remain loyal to coach Sunday Oliseh and I want to believe he understands my decision. My decision has nothing to do with the coach, who is a brave man, a technically sound person, my decision has nothing to go against his vision for the Super Eagles. Me out of the team will equally ease pressure on the coach and it will enable the younger players to fight harder for the team.
Kindly continue after the cut...

Kate Middleton, Prince William and Harry attend Spectre premiere

The royals - Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry attended the world premiere of James Bond 007 film Spectre on Monday night at London's Royal Albert Hall. Daniel Craig, his wife Rachel Weisz, his co-stars Léa Seydoux and Monica Bellucci and others also attended the screening of the 24th spy movie.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Former Nigerian rep for Big Brother Africa is engaged

Geraldine Iheme who represented Nigeria along with Kevin Pam and Nkenna in 2011 Big Brother Africa shared the good news on her Facebook page. She's engaged to boyfriend Otas Bazuaye also known as Bigg Splash. She wrote "I said yes to the man of my dreams!"

Dele Giwa assassination: Investigation was marred by interferences from`high places’ – Ex-DIG

Twenty-nine years after the murder of renowned journalist, Dele Giwa, a retired police chief, Chris Omeben, who conducted the investigation says the unresolved assassination is the most frustrating case he handled in his career. Giwa, the founding Editor-in-Chief of Newswatch Magazine, was killed through a parcel bomb at his Ikeja, Lagos residence on Oct. 19, 1986.
Omeben, a former Deputy Inspector-General of Police (DIG), who turns 80 on Oct. 27, told NAN on Monday that the high profile investigation was marred by interferences from “high places’’. The DIG explained that even when he had narrowed in on the principal suspect, who could have thrown more light on the riddle, the suspect was allowed to escape from Nigeria.
“They said somebody brought a parcel and his son Billy received the parcel and took it to his father (Dele Giwa), who was having his breakfast that morning. “On the breakfast table was a man called Kayode Soyinka, he was there; Dele was there and then the son Billy handed over the parcel. “And as he did so, I heard Soyinka left the table and went to the adjacent room.
Pls continue here...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It is a sin for a couple who is only married traditionally to have sex- Abuja pastor tweets

This pastor, Pastor Sarah Omakwu who is the Senior Pastor Family Worship Centre, Abuja is currently trending on Twitter over some comments she's making with #SexualPerversion hashtag. She says it is a sin for a couple who is only married traditionally to have sex. She tweeted a whole lot of other stuff.

Zendaya clears the air on a magazine altering her image, released unretouched pic

Actress and singer Zendaya wasn't too happy with a magazine for unrealistically editing her picture from a photoshoot she had with them. She aired her concerns and the magazine took note of it. She wrote;

'Had a new shoot come out today and was shocked when I found my 19 year old hips and torso quite manipulated. These are the things that make women self conscious, that create the unrealistic ideals of beauty that we have. Anyone who knows who I am knows I stand for honest and pure self love. So I took it upon myself to release the real pic (right side) and I love it Thank you @modelistemagazine for pulling down the images and fixing this retouch issue.'

See Lamar Odom as he was wheeled into LA hospital

TMZ has obtained photos of Lamar Odom as he was wheeled into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. He was hooked up to various machines as he was wheeled as they took him into the hospital on Monday night after he was helicoptered in from Las Vegas. He was taken to Cedars because his family believes the hospital is better equipped to deal with Lamar's medical issues.

 Khloe was there...
Check it out here...

South African girl: I hate Nigerian women, they are ugly

Well, if she hates her mum, why should we care that she hates us. So vulgar. You should see some of the things she's tweeting.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

MTO speculated they were planning to marry this week

MTO speculated they were planning to marry this week and when the two showed up at Tidal event last night, they were both wearing rings...