Saturday, October 3, 2015

Man bursts into tears when wife reveals she is pregnant after 17 years(See it here)

Dana Griffin-Graves and her husband have been trying to start a family since they wed 17 years ago. Over the years, they suffered four miscarriages and a devastating still birth at six months before deciding that they could take the heartbreak no longer.

In an interview with ABC 8 News, Dana said, "It was definitely a struggle, a roller coaster with emotions… I just got to the point I was like, “you know what, I wanna stop try"

So when Dana found out she was almost five months pregnant after a visit to her doctor to find out why she wasn’t losing weight on her new fitness regime, she was understandably extremely shocked and excited.
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Dana wanted to break the happy news in a special way so she put a package of buns in the oven along with her Ultrasounds results and filmed her husband's emotional reaction. "His reaction was just priceless – I wasn’t expecting that at all. I knew that he would probably be emotional, but I definitely was not expecting the reaction that I received"